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Toronto Rock Minor Lacrosse Night Presented By Bell Let’S Talk

Oakville, ON – The Toronto Rock are pleased to announce a partnership with Bell Let’s Talk as the presenting sponsor of Minor Lacrosse Night at the 2017 Toronto Rock Home Opener on Saturday, January 14 at Air Canada Centre.  The Rock will face the defending NLL champion Saskatchewan Rush to open the home portion of their 2017 schedule.

The Toronto Rock will donate $1 per single game ticket sold to this year’s home opener to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), in support of local mental health programs.  Additionally, Rock Owner Jamie Dawick will match that dollar with another dollar out of his own wallet, making it $2 in total being donated to the CMHA for every ticket that is sold to the first Rock game of the season.

“Mental health is important to all of us and thanks to Bell Let’s Talk, awareness has increased dramatically. I encourage fans to come out to the game to support Bell Let’s Talk partner the CMHA and keep the momentum in mental health going,” said Dawick.  “I am happy to personally match each one-dollar contribution from the Rock.  Together, we can make a meaningful donation to mental health in our community. Let’s make it a big one.”

1 in 5 Canadians will experience a form of mental illness at some point in their lives, making it an issue that affects the lives of all Canadians whether directly or indirectly. Talking openly about mental health is the first step in fighting the stigma and changing the way our society views mental illness.

The Bell Let’s Talk initiative promotes Canadian mental health with national awareness and anti-stigma campaigns like Bell Let’s Talk Day and significant Bell funding of community care and access, research and workplace initiatives.  To learn more, please visit Bell.ca/LetsTalk.  Bell Let’s Talk Day 2017 is Wednesday, January 25.

At the home opener, minor lacrosse teams will parade across the turf prior to the game at Air Canada Centre, recognizing some of the best up and coming players in the province.  Special group rates and team experiences are available for minor lacrosse night.  If you want your organization to be a part of this special night, please contact one of our Toronto Rock account executives now so you don’t miss out.

For more information about Toronto Rock tickets, please call 416-596-3075 or visit www.torontorock.com.